A Home Remedy to Combat Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are a nuisance and unsightly marks on the skin that appear in certain areas of our body as a result of hormonal imbalances or because of sudden increase or gain in weight.

These marks appear in both men and women and there are key periods in our life such as adolescence where we have a greater chance of suffering. Generally women are most likely to fall a victim of stretch marks because they are more vulnerable to hormonal changes and weight changessuch as during pregnancy.

While our skin is very elastic and has the ability to stretch a long, when abrupt changes occur in weight, this is overloaded and the usual production of collagen is not enough to encompass these processes.

Collagen is the primary responsibility of the connective tissues of the skin, and if it cannot accompany the changes, the tissue is broken and as a result these scars called stretch marks appear.

Some areas of the body are more prone to stretch markssuch as hips, thighs, breasts, buttocks and around the abdominal contour.


However, good news is that stretch marks do not appear on the skin overnight and there is a moment in which they can be stopped or decreasedif you spot the stretch marks in time.

At first they lookmore like a thin line in purple or violet color which is because they still have a blood supply. This is the right time to take action and apply some type of moisturizer or stretch mark cream to prevent tissue tearing.

 Then they turn pink in color and when they have reached this point, it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Therefore, it is really important to apply the treatments during the first phase of stretch marks before they are definitively settled on your skin.

Home remedies to treat stretch marks tend to be one of the best options, especially to avoid painful surgery or injectable treatments. The natural treatments are usually much cheaper than the extremely expensive creams that are marketed for this use.

Home Remedy for Stretch Marks

Undoubtedly, one of the best home remedies for stretch marks will prevent the occurrence thereof. You must have a healthy diet, drink liquids, avoid sudden changes in weight, exercise and use moisturizers in most vulnerable areas of the body.


Here I share a homemade recipe that can be applied in these areas, both to prevent them and when they have just begun to appear.


  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup of aloe vera gel
  • 6 capsules of vitamin E
  • 4 capsules of vitamin A


These ingredients should be mixed in a blender, and then be stored in the refrigerator. It should be applied daily on the streak to achieve the disappearance of stretch marks and this will only happen if you have a lot of perseverance. It;s also good to look after your vagina skin. Lean how to make your vagina tighter and that will help.
